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28.07.2023 - 19:04 / / Maria Gulina
3 routes to discover Belarus with fully supported bike tour
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With the possibility of 5 visa-free days of traveling, Belarus is being transformed from terraincognita into an attractive and accessible destination. Locals say that the real Belarus begins only when you leave the city behind. Outside Minsk, you will find untouched nature, hospitable people, and historical relics. Many of the destinations can be easily reached by bicycle – bike tourism is slowly but steadily becoming popular here. Together with the pioneers of fully supported bike tourism in Belarus,, we suggest you 3 reliable routes perfect for 2 days getaway. Risky guys can travel on their own, but for the perfect combination of adventure and comfort you can get your fully supported bike tour.
How do fully supported bike tours work in Belarus?
Fully supported bike tours in Belarus work just the same way as in any other country in the world. You choose your route and the team takes care of all the rest. You will get a well-maintained bike, mainly with hydraulic disc brakes, accommodation and meals (mostly local foods, including vegetarian options, not an easy get outside Minsk), on-the-road bike repairs or a replacement bike if anything goes wrong and the transportation of your luggage. You will also get any necessary tickets to public transport or historical sights and an English speaking guide – a very important point since not many people in Belarus speak English fluently. The price for the tour will be € 200-300 – which is quite a deal in comparison with European prices. If you are up to something special, you can always get a private tour to the places that would be interesting exactly for you.
Why is Belarus a good place for a bike tour?
Belarus doesn’t have very intensive car traffic yet, so you can enjoy its vast spaces without many signs of human existence. The land in Belarus is not private property, which means that you can freely travel through its pristine forests, vast fields with crops from collective farms (and without any fences) and small car-free villages. On the other hand, the forests and fields often have paths that are not marked on the maps, and it can be challenging to find a place for a tent, that is why touring with a guide might be a good idea.
The villages are definitely the experience you should get (and there is no way to get it from the car): yellow and green wooden houses, big old trees with storks’ nests, magnificent flower gardens and hospitable old people who are eager to communicate with any newcomers (regardless the language barrier). During the tour, you will be in a diverse group of participants – together with some locals who are willing to practice their English, so
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Ровно год назад, 21 марта 2017 года, редакция 34travel запустила Go to Belarus – большой и горячо любимый проект о «лучшем в Беларуси». В том и только в том смысле, как это понимает наша команда. Без идеологической мишуры или приступов самобичеваний. Главный редактор 34travel Антон Кашликов – о самом важном.
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