New Life: 6 Revitalized Spaces in Minsk
28.07.2023 - 20:03 /
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We have already talked about the German Bauhaus, the birthplace of constructivism, and now offer you to have a look at how ideas of neat forms, simple lines, and functionalism embodied in Minsk architecture. Do warm ups, download Google maps and use your imagination. In the interbellum period, the best architects in the country with good education, avant-garde ideas, and big dreams worked in the capital of Belarussian Soviet Socialist Republic.1. Faculty of Geography of BSU
16, Leningradskaya Str.
We can start our route bang outside the railway station: just a stone's throw from it you can run into a fine example of the architecture of constructivism built by Lavrov and Zaporozhec in 1931. Have a look at main ties: it has huge windows (it's sunny inside the building even during cloudy Minsk winter); build with the Pavilion principle when several buildings of a different height are folded into one; there's no central symmetry (the main point is in the functionality of blocks, but not beauty). It is rumored that the sketches of the interior were made by Malevich himself. It's a pity that these wooden elements haven't come through the WWII. Whereas possible, have a look inside: sizeable staircase with steps of white granite and the flooring on the first floor is made of granite from 32 different countries of the world, from Brazil to South Africa. There's a thin story of the Faculty of Geology, that is being told for generations: during floor laying the dean of the Faculty named Pirozhnik was able to estimate by sight the origin of granite blocks faster than the builders checked it in their delivery documents.
At the weekend entrance to the territory is guarded by vigilant old man, and it is only possible to look at the building from the direction of the railway station. For this, you should stand to the right of the building of the BSU’s Faculty of International Relations. But probably you can cut a deal with the watchman?
2. House of Government 11, Sovetskaya str.
A five-minute walk will take you right to the biggest building in Belarus (just imagine, 240 000 м³), which began the modern building system of Minsk in 1934. The building, where Belarusian parliament sits in sessions, doesn't look impressive enough because it is placed in the corner. Originally the plan was different. It was planned that a huge square should span from the House of Government to the railway station (the above-mentioned places are now build-up with the Pedagogic University and the main building of the Belarusian State University). The House of Government additionally doesn't look mega enough because its volumes increase from the sides to the center, and the verticals prevail over horizontals. Besides the
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