Hrodna: Audioguide
28.07.2023 - 20:05 /
Kamarouka: audioguide
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If you want to gauge the vibe of the megapolis and its dwellers you've got to see its main market. In this new podcast of the joint project by 34travel and MTS, we'll have a virtual walk around the legendary Kamaroŭski market (a.k.a. Kamaroŭka) and its surroundings.
At the beginning of the previous century, the area of current Kamaroŭka had been considered the gloomiest and seediest outskirts of old Minsk. Inhabited by marginals the district had a pretty sinister reputation. One was better not wandering around there after the sun goes down. Nowadays, anytime at night and during the day one would meet students, bikers, taxi drivers, businessmen, and pretty much anyone there. Someone comes to get 24/7 shawarma, some fancy tandyr cakes, and some can find their entire vegan ration here.
Long ago, the main market had become the place of attraction for Minskers and the guests of the city. Perhaps, that makes Kamaroŭka the best place to taste the real life of Minsk.
Download the podcast in English, or version in Russian or Belarusian. We'll show you where to grab the titbits of Kamaroŭka.
Credits: Natallia Rudakovskaya (author), Boris Nikolaychik (editor), Alexandra Murashko (translation), Volha Tiashkevich (voice), KorneJ (sounddesign)
Kai Engel — Walking Barefoot On Grass Bonus, Philipp Weigl — Not The Streets You Used To Walk Along, The United States Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps — Fife Feature Lowlands Away, Advent Chamber Orchestra — Waistband Dance, Keshco — Serpico Goes To Shanghai, Grossman Ewell Grainger — Bozza Duettino For Two Bassoons, Luciano Foglia — Use Hypnosis, John Bartmann — Bouncy Gypsy Beats, Keshco — One Slip Timewarp, Loyalty Freak Music — Friend To Friend, Qwill — Funk In D, Steve Combs — Symphony No1 I Hope, Seclorance — Down The Streets Life Beyond, Dataveyes — Through The Gate.
Cover photo: palasatka
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