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28.07.2023 - 19:19 /
Beautiful Belarus: 10 Stunning Spots
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We love Belarus and are so proud of its immense wild nature, old small towns and glorious architecture. What’s more – we just adore catching all those heartwarming places on camera. If you’re into it too – check out the top of scenic and extremely camera-friendly places of the “Blue-eyed” country. Here’s to all aesthetes and pretty-pics lovers!
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Asvieja Reserve and Du Island
Viciebsk region
First of all, Belarus is about sceneries. Lakes, swamps, virgin wild forests, flatlands, hills, and even islands. But the biggest and, very likely, the most picturesque Belarus island – Du – is located at the Asviejski reserve. This 5 square kilometers island at the very core of Asvieja lake was inhabited by people in bygone days. But then the village with a logical name «The Island» had been gradually abandoned, and the only thing that reminds of its past – the deserted cemetery. The only way leading to this nature-nurtured terrain is a boat – and that’s, for sure, a very cool experience. By the way, there’s a watch-tower in the island’s depth, and (if you’ll dare to climb on it) you’ll get a bonus of landscape watching and postcard-like panoramic shots.
Besides Du island, Asvieja reserve also includes three lakes, swamps and forests, where crowds of deer and roes slowly pace their way. It evokes the feeling that you are not less at the world's end, but not at Belarusian border (the reserve borders on Latvia). You'd want to peer into the sceneries for miles and miles
Salihorsk Salt Heaps
Minsk region
Salt mountains, artificial water reservoirs and epic cracks on soil – nah, you’re not in space – just one more spot in Belarus. Salt heaps are stationed in few kilometers from Salihorsk, and in theory – the territory of mining, where those “mountains” are located – isn't a proper place for walks. Certainly, we strictly do not recommend crawling on piles of salt but don't miss sneaking to steal a few awesome photos here. The «mountains» may reach up to 160 meter high! Add a pinky color and scratchy landscape dotted with vents – and here comes the Martian landscape.
The Mansion at Žaludok
Hrodna region
The mystical mansion at Žaludok is one of the most scenic abandoned houses in Belarus. The three-floored neo-baroque palace was constructed at the very beginning of the hard XX century, that’s why it hasn't served its purpose for long. The nazis seized Žaludok a few weeks after the War had started and established a military hospital in the luxurious palace. So, since then the state of the building significantly deteriorated, but, luckily, the place survived up to this day. Moreover, even the traces of historical hardships do not
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Ровно год назад, 21 марта 2017 года, редакция 34travel запустила Go to Belarus – большой и горячо любимый проект о «лучшем в Беларуси». В том и только в том смысле, как это понимает наша команда. Без идеологической мишуры или приступов самобичеваний. Главный редактор 34travel Антон Кашликов – о самом важном.
Go To Belarus. Зачем мы это сделали?
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